100th International Association for Identification’s Educational Conference
August 2 – 8, 2015 Sacramento, California



A personal note from Craig Moore,

The 2015 Annual Educational Conference held in Sacramento California was an overwhelming success.

Yes, that is me!

The amount of time and effort people put forward was obvious. Special recognition must go to Candace “Candy” Murray, as she orchestrated the colossally successful and totally professional in appearance forensic museum.

In the year leading up to the conference numerous ad-hoc committees were formed. One was the committee to create the material and artifacts for the Bloodstain Booth located within the museum walls. This subcommittee was chaired by Jan Johnson, from Florida.

I volunteered to help out as I am thankful for all that the IAI has done for me and I wanted people who toured the museum to know about BPA and its rich history.

Besides I didn’t want the other booths in the museum to overpower and minimize what BPA has achieved as a forensic discipline. I took this on as a personal challenge.

My volunteer efforts saw me create over 40 historical posters. In addition to these I supplied a series of bloodstain pattern images, which were ones I have used in the courtroom and classroom to instill BPA principles.

When I initially stepped forward to help out I had no idea what the final display would look like. The end result found 9 historical posters and 8 of my bloodstain patterns on the walls of the display booth.

The booth was outfitted with a 6’6” wide glass enclosed display case. I had driven to the conference as I was in the middle of a 31 day road trip that consisted of 3 one week long BPA courses and the weeklong conference itself all of which was intertwined with days and days of driving. Driving allowed me to bring my own BPA teaching and educational props to the conference site. I picked items that looked scientific, would fit into the display case and most of all they would be enticing to the viewer.

We were also given two flat screen monitors. Upon the request of Jan, I created a 26 minute slide show documentary on a few of the more historically significant and prominent BPA cases I knew of. This video played in an endless loop for visitors to watch as they happened upon the booth area.

Some people at the conference noted the display case contained only Craig Moore material.

What those people didn’t know was, of the 23 posters found on the booth walls, 17 were my creation as was the audio video presentation found on one of the two monitors.

All of the credit for this booth goes to Jan Johnson, as she developed its concept, its overall design and colorful appearance. She kept to stipulated production timelines dictated by Candy and she was also responsible for the remaining 6 posters displayed, plus a second display booth video.

In one of the photographs you will note there are two 32 inch flat screen monitors hanging on the top of the angled corner wall sections. The monitor to the left was a series of 6 or 7 slow motion videos from the Midwest Forensic Research Center, spliced together by Jan. They too ran in a nonstop video loop.

The monitor to the right was the documentary video I created. The image on that monitor depicts a door resting across the tops of two sawhorses. This was a makeshift civil war operating table set up in front of a bedroom window (the surgeon’s light source). On the floorboards beneath the operating table were visible bloodstains some 150 years old. This is the Carnton Plantation, Franklin, TN.

The weeks (> 100 hrs) I spent creating this material could not go to waste afterwards as it does hold some noteworthy educational material. Being the creator of this material, I can show it to you here via my website.

Please take the time to flip through the posters and please watch the video.

I have deliberately embossed each of the images in the poster photos. Please email me here and request any of the original images you want. I would be happy to meet you (via email) and send an image(s) to you.

I apologize for the less than perfect audio recording on the video. I had never done this sort of thing before and had quite the experience putting it together.

Educating and watching people learn is a pleasure I never get bored of. Giving my time and making the best effort possible to help make not only the Bloodstain Discipline Booth, but the entire Centennial Museum a success is personally to me, time and energy well spent.

Now I hope my work can bring insight and new ideas for you, the viewer.

Thank you once again for finding my website.

Kind regards,


PS: The intended path through the IAI’s museum had “oversized” feet outlined on the floor. Following the feet would have the museum patron walk chronologically through historical IAI events. Once the museum was closed and in the process of being dismantled by the staging crew I was allowed to enter and remove my equipment from the display case. The same two feet depicted in the above photo were peeled off the floor and affixed to the exterior of two of my travel cases. ☺

PSS: Unknown to me Jan made hard copies of all of the posters I sent to her where she made up a binder. She brought the binder to the conference and showed this to various BPA individuals. On the Friday of the conference week there was an open BPA meeting, which I attended. It was populated with the same people Jan had approached earlier in the week. My efforts were noted and I was thanked for my hard work. It was suggested to me the assembled number of posters might be worthy of publication with the IAI. I contacted Alan McRoberts, Editor of the Journal of Forensic Identification. He was intrigued with the idea and after receiving a few samples from me he wrote back. “Because of the style issues we use to create a professional journal, I don't see how I can publish a series of posters.” So here you go. They are never to be published in the IAI journal but are here digitally for you to enjoy.